Category Archives: Extraordinary Vessels
Pairing the Extraordinary Vessels with the Primary Acupuncture Channels and Zangfu, Part 2
Abstract This article continues exploring a theoretical acupuncture model that pairs the extraordinary vessels with the primary acupuncture channels and zangfu in a one-to-one correspondence. Specifically, this article examines the three pairs of primary acupuncture channels and zangfu that correspond … Continue reading
Pairing the Extraordinary Vessels with the Primary Acupuncture Channels and Zangfu, Part 1
Abstract This article is an exploration of correspondences between the extraordinary vessels and the primary channels and zangfu, and posits that there may exist a direct relationship between them. This is the next segment of an emerging theoretical model (Extraordinary … Continue reading
Pairing the Extraordinary Vessels and the Extraordinary Organs, Part 2: The Ying Qi Cycle and the Evolution of Consciousness
Abstract In this article, the ying qi cycle is used to examine the way in which the paired extraordinary vessels and extraordinary organs may relate to the evolution of consciousness and the art of humanity in acupuncture theory and practice. This … Continue reading
Pairing the Extraordinary Vessels and the Extraordinary Organs
Abstract This article presents a theoretical acupuncture model that pairs the extraordinary organs with the extraordinary vessels, similar to the way in which the zangfu are paired with the primary channels. First, the ren, chong, and du mai are paired with … Continue reading
The Dai Mai: Dynamic Structural Stability and Spherical Integration
Abstract In this article I examine some of the correspondences and associations of the dai mai, or Belt/Girdling Vessel, in an attempt to gain a greater understanding of the sphere of energetic function of this extraordinary vessel and its relation to … Continue reading
The Ying Qi Cycle and the Diurnal Evolutionary Unfoldment of the Extraordinary Vessels
Abstract This article follows the flow of the ying qi cycle to examine its relationship to the extraordinary vessels in acupuncture theory and practice. This cycle reveals an underlying coherency of the extraordinary vessels and their relationship to the cycle of the … Continue reading